SOCI 1F90 Study Guide - Social Inequality, Industrial Revolution, Anthropocentrism

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14 Apr 2014

Document Summary

The mind was viewed as superior than the body so the body was usually ignored: mind/body binary: social entity as a social construction site, consequences of this binary thinking: body ignored because mind was valued- fixed natural entity unrelated to social life. Types of economies: hunting and gathering: small nomadic groups that moved around place to place to get what they could eat and immediately consumed it without any present surplus. Social equality: horticulturism: plants and animals were domesticated resulting in a large division of labour and the beginnings of social inequality. Those that had a lot of money could get more food. There was increased literacy, and an invention of crafts like pottery: feudalism: a closed off agricultural economy where the landlord owns the land, and has peasants (serfs) farming it. This was exploiting workers and resulted in large inequalities: capitalism: bourgeoisie has private ownership to the means of production and property.