SOCI 1F90 Study Guide - Final Guide: Auguste Comte, Documentary Hypothesis, Androcentrism

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Exam date: tuesday december 12, 2017 - 1900-2200 sexuality and capitalism. Format: 60 multiple choice (60 marks); 4 long answer/essay (40 marks); bonus questions (5 marks) Tough guise documentary blaming the victim social construction of sexuality inductive research logic homophobia qualitative research methods queer theory informed consent critiques of functionalist understandings of class inequality. Study the following readings for the multiple choice portion of the exam: karen potts and leslie brown. Becoming an anti-oppressive researcher: deborah mcphail, gwen chapman and brenda beagan. Too much of that stuff can"t be good": social construction of gender quantitative research methods gendered wage inequality sociological imagination. Auguste comte pink ghetto gender inequality aspects of unethical research sexism intersexuality hypothesis historians of sexuality monogamy deductive research logic social class social mobility constructions of femininity binaries/dichotomies qualitative research.