[PSYC 2P12] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 35 pages long Study Guide!

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Studying change and constancy throughout the lifespan. Infants and children are the same as adults but slow changes. Discontinuous: distinct stages of development, new ways of understanding things, different steps in development. Stability: when you have a specific characteristic, its stays. Plasticity: environment will change you, change is possible based on experience. Physical development: changes in body, size, proportions, appearance, functioning of body systems, perceptual and motor capacities and physical health. Cognitive development: changes in intellectual abilities, including attention, memory, academic and everyday knowledge, problem solving, imagination, creativity and language. Emotional and social development: changes in emotional communication, self-understanding, knowledge about other people, interpersonal skills, friendships, intimate relationships and moral reasoning and behaviour. Age-graded: changes based on age, ex. Babies learn to walk around age 1: ex. Group of people that are born at a specific time tat all went through a specific event. Nonnormative: un predictable changes, random events, ex.