PSYC 1F90 Study Guide - Final Guide: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Motor Neuron Disease

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Definition: chronic, fatal, neurological disease causes muscle weakness also known as lou gehrig"s disease & motor neuron disease previously known as charcot"s disease . Causes: upper motor neurons of cortex & lower motor neurons in spinal cord & brain gradually deteriorate & die deterioration causes scar tissue that hardens the lateral aspects of the spine sclerosis: abnormal hardening of body tissue. Motor neuron loss decreases output of trophic (nutrition) factors to muscle amyotrophic: lacking trophic effect on muscles bother upper & lower motor neurons can degenerate & can die. Muscle can lose innervation from spinal motor neurons skeletal muscle atrophy (wasting away) due to lack of neural control little or no regeneration. Muscle twitching/cramping (shoulders, tongue, etc. ) difficulty walking tripping & falling, clumsiness (dropping things) persistent fatigue sometimes slurred speech/trouble swallowing difficulty holding head up/keeping good posture. Begins in hands, feet, limbs then spreads. Muscle weakness progresses eventually impairs ability to move, chew, swallow, eat, speak& breathe.