POLI 3P71- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 40 pages long!)

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Lecture # 1 week 2 sex, politics, and equality: foundations in liberal thought. Mill/harriet taylor mill: major works, differences - men/women, change in status in. Inequality: class contradiction, on liberty, utilitarianism, progress. Considered a major essay to j. s. and harriet mill. Most of his arguments regarding women are found in this essay. On liberty, utilitarianism, and considerations on representative government contain key points on his arguments relating to women in politics. All throughout the 4 chapters he starts out by asking if there are natural differences between men and women and what meaning do those differences have and how does this relate to politics. There are 5 major differences he refers to: He says it is difficult to see these changes because we. Biological and physical differences, what about nature character sensibility its hard to tell. He says he will define natural differences as those things that remain even after men and women are educated the same.