KINE 2P05 Study Guide - Final Guide: Biofeedback, Proprioception

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Lecture 10 Review
Lecture 10 Augmented Feedback
Types of feedback
o KP vs KR
Knowledge of Performance (KP)
Information provided to learners about the pattern of actions
that they make.
Directed toward the correction of an improper movement
Of particular aid in complex movement.
Also useful in providing information about elements of the
movement pattern about which the performer cannot be
aware. - internal timing patterns - joint relations, etc.
Knowledge of Performance (KP)
Ways in which KP is generally delivered:
Videotape Replay
Kinematic Feedback
Kinetic Feedback
o Factors affecting learning
Amount of Feedback
o Frequency
Absolute frequency = total # of trials where KR was given
Relative frequency = proportion of trials where KR was given
o Faded feedback
Key feature of previous study
Learner is given feedback at high relative frequencies early in
Instructor gradually reduces the amount of feedback given as the
learner’s skill develops
Reduces learner’s dependency on feedback
o Bandwidth feedback
Based on an acceptable range of performance
No feedback given when the performance falls within the
acceptable “band”
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