LING 3P61 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Tabula Rasa, Universal Grammar, Noam Chomsky

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Empiricism: experience based (wild boy)- mind is a blank slate (nurture) Chomsky: language learning is not something the child does, but something that happens when placed in an appropriate environment, much like a child"s body grows in a predetermined way when given proper nutrition . Universal grammar: children can learn structures of many languages (innate knowledge of structure of languages) Modularity hypothesis: proposes that the human brain contains an innate, self-contained language module that is separate from other aspects of cognitive functioning. Focuses on syntax (grammar)- deaf children impose grammatical structure on simple signs (however ignores communicative role of lang) Skinner (1904-1990): when behaviour is rewarded it is likely to continue (doesn"t come preprogrammed- learn language through interactions. Operant conditioning: (positive reinforcement) a voluntary response is strengthened or weakened depending on its positive or negative consequences: shaping behaviour, successive approximations, adults train to say water , child says: wa - adult, reinforces wawa , reinforces only water reinforces.