LING 1F25 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pragmatics, Second-Language Acquisition, Semiotics

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Relate to social use of language, grammar syntax, second language acquisition. Language has many different modalities to it (gesture, expression, use of images for thought) Augmentative communication systems are beneficial because it allows for use of these modalities. Has limitations for interactions without these systems: limited vocab repertoire, limited users, becomes a problem when there is no one to use it with, slow communication exchange. Expressive and receptive limitations to form, content, use: form/phonology: accents, sound productions, form/syntax: asl and esl have different language structures, use: social interactions, pragmatics. Restricted amount of language learned from the system: what is being taught in schools may not be on the system. Make sure symbols being taught are culturally sensitive, make sure symbols accommodate child in the area. Second language acquisition: delays, interference, children eventually catch up, sequential or simultaneous learning. Culture and language are intertwined: new culture to expressing ourselves (through technology, phones, texting at dinner)