HLSC 2P49 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hindbrain, Norman Cousins, Sympathetic Nervous System

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Psychological state affects our physical health state. Focus on broader perspective of general health & wellbeing. Not just illness in relation to health (physical) Focus on health promotion and illness prevention: biomedical model. Health is only a problem if something is wrong: theory of planned behaviour (tbp) The role of individual beliefs about the ease or difficulty of performing a behaviour. Intermediary psychological mechanisms that are important to predicting whether one will engage in a behaviour. Behavioural intention a plan/aim to do something. Intentions are made up of three components: attitudes about the specific action. Are they desirable: subjective norms regarding the action, normative beliefs what others expect/want us to do, motivation to comply wanting to do what those others want you to do. Examples: peer pressure in teens, adults, whatever is done by the majority: perceived behavioural control. The sense that one has control over the situation and behaviour, belief that they are capable.