HLSC 2F95- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 87 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Hlsc 2f95: digestive stomach, s. intestine, l. intestine, liver, gallbladder, and, all levels of organization are connected pancreas. Superficial anatomy: anatomical landmarks, anatomical regions (2 methods, anatomical directions. Sectional anatomy: planes and sections, body cavities. Anatomical position: legs together, feet flat on the floor, hands down at sides, palms facing forwards, supine: lying down, face up, prone: lying down, face down. Abdominopelvic quadrants: right upper quadrant; ruq, left upper quadrant; luq, right lower quadrant: rlq, left lower quadrant: llq, review notes. Abdominopelvic regions: right hypochondriac region, epigastric region, left hypochondriac region, right lumbar region, umbilical region, left lumbar region, right inguinal region, hypogastric region, left inguinal region, review notes. Body cavities: ventral body cavity (coelom, provides protection. Hlsc 2f95: thoracic cavity, chest wall and diaphragm, left pleural cavity, mediastinum, pericardial cavity, right pleural cavity, abdominopelvic cavity, contains the peritoneal cavity, abdominal cavity, pelvic cavity. Anatomical directions: common terms, anterior/posterior, proximal/distal, medial/lateral, posterior/anterior, cranial/caudal.