[HLSC 2F95] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 23 pages long Study Guide!

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Hyoid- does not articulate with any other bones. Sphenoid 1 helps maintain strength of skull. Ethmoidal air cells (top of nose near eyes/eyebrows) Maxillary (cheeks on each side of the nose) Allows for distortion of the cranium during childbirth to prevent damage these sutures are fused by age 5. 24 vertebrae: 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar. Support weight of head, neck, upper limbs, organs of thoracic cavity. Support weight of head, neck, upper limbs, organs of thoracic and abdominal cavities. Protects heart, lungs, and other structures in the thoracic cavity. Attachment site for muscles involved in: respiration, positioning of the vertebral column, movements of the pectoral girdle and upper limb. Either true (vertebrosternal) or false (vertebrochondrial); floating joints of the axial skeleton: temporomandibular. Axial musculature: position head and vertebral column, move the rib cage for breathing. Appendicular musculature: move and stabilize arms and legs. Muscles of the head and neck divided into.