GEOG 2P01 Study Guide - Final Guide: Occupational Segregation, Political Geography, Social Geography

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Social geography: the study of patterns arising from the use of which social groups make of space and their lifestyles. Segregation of domestic and unpaid labour occupational segregation. *home and work are two separate places but to understand them we need to think of them together. Class, gender and race all play a role in who gets what jobs and pay scales. Work can become dominated by the white culture whereas other cultures become silenced- this brings the term of whitewashing in. Women dominated occupations classified as unskilled while men dominate the skilled occupations. Both genders experience different, social, economic, political geographical locations. A social network of interacting individuals, usually concentrated in a defined territory functions of neighbourhoods and communities. Civil engagement neighbourhoods as identity and social relations. Harlem community fights as rezoning threatens to erase the history and culture of their beloved neighbourhood. The people are shut out from the decision-making process.