[ENGL 1F97] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (26 pages long)

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Significance of song (used in celebration, ritual, used to register protest, lamentation, used to soothe or uplift. Often turn to music express our most powerful emotions. Poetry, like song, used to record or commemorate what a. Often different from everyday language because of its use of figures (metaphors, images, symbols other tropes) and its rhythms. Defamiliarization takes something familiar and approaches it from a new angle. Often gestures towards ideas and feelings that can"t be captured in language. Urges us to explore ambiguity, complexity, paradox without attempting to resolve apparent contradictions. Title plague, very loaded word with moral corruption connotation. Amount of times the word death is used, the thought of death is consistent. Search for passionate life, a flirtation with death. Speaker divided between being drawn to excitement and being fearful of danger. Dilemma comes from being unable to distinguish between the implications of the two impulses.