[CHYS 3P60] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (21 pages long)

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Document Summary

Lecture 1 introduction to asds: one step at a time. Topics that will be covered in chys 3p60. Focus on intensive behavioural analysis and intervention (ibi) and aba (applied behavioural analysis) Assumption of learning difficulties/lack of intelligence or vice versa (extreme intelligence) Homogeneity either this or that (can or cannot) view. Heterogeneity spectrum view; varying traits, abilities, etc. Depicts an adult with characteristics of asd. He is depicted in the all or none view. Depicted by some as a genius with many special abilities and talents. Depicted by others (his doctor) as socially impaired. Dsm v looking at the different levels of support within the spectrum. Dsm v looking at the level of support the individual needs across the spectrum. Qualitative the individual does something in an atypical manner; often restricted and repetitive behaviours. Depicts a 4 year old boy with asd completing ibi therapy (matching activity) Child appears to not have verbal communication.