CHYS 3P60 Midterm: Test #1 Study Guide Answers

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The classification of characteristics of asd began in the 1940s. Two individuals involved in the classification of asd are leo kanner and hans asperger. The triad of impairments include social difficulties, communication problems, and repetitive and restricted activities. Two reasons why lorna wing used the term spectrum of disorders include: Individuals with autism varied in the degree of severity of their displayed characteristics. Individuals with autism varied in the form of differences and delays. Dsm stands for the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. The dsm is a manual detailing the characteristics that classify individuals with varying diagnoses that are made by a group of psychiatrists, psychologists, and physicians. According to the dsm-v, the four proposed criteria used to diagnose asd include: Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across contexts. Restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests, and activities.