CHYS 2P52 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Ween, Empiricism, Aromatherapy

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Methods of acquiring knowledge: ways in which a person can know things or discover answers to questions. Method of tenacity: information is accepted as true because it has always been believed or because superstition supports it: opposites attract . Method of intuition: information is accepted on the basis of a hunch or gut feeling: betting a number at the casino because it feels right, no method for separating accurate from inaccurate knowledge. Method of faith: a variant in the method of authority in which people have unquestioning trust in the authority figure: children have absolute faith in answers from parents, no mechanism to test the accuracy of information. Rational method (rationalism): seeking answers by logical reasoning: premise statements: describe facts or assumptions that are presumed to be true, argument: is a set of premise statements that are logically combined to yield a conclusion.