CHYS 2P52 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Repeated Measures Design, Quasi, Internal Validity

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Chys 2p52 test chapters 10, 12, 13, 15. Use a nonmanipulated variable to compare conditions (participant characteristic m/f, or time variable) Nonexperimental does not attempt to limit internal validity. Nonequivalent group design the groups of participants are not assigned by the researcher, they pre-exist. Developmental research designs examines changes in behaviour related to age. Cohorts individuals born at roughly the same time and grew up under similar circumstances. Cohort/generation effects differences between age groups (cohorts) caused by characteristics or experiences other than age. Longitudinal developmental research design examines development by observing a group of cohorts over time. Strengths: no cohort effects, researcher can discuss an individual"s development over time. Weaknesses: time consuming, expensive, high drop out rates (participant attrition or mortality) Nonexperimental differential research: compares pre-existing groups (male, female) Control group design: compares pre-existing groups after 1 group receives the treatment. Control group design: adds a pretest to the posttest only design.