BIOL 3P43 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus, Fungus Gnat, Bacillus Thuringiensis

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Derived from natural materials (animals/plants/bacteria/minerals). i. e. canola oil has pesticidal applications. 3 categories: microbial pesticides microorganism (bacteria/fungus/virus) is the active ingredient. Control many pests but each active ingredient is specific for its target. Bacillus thuringiensis- bt produces different mixtures of proteins which kill insect larvae. Plant-incorporated-protectants (pips) substance plants produce from genetic material that has been added to plant. i. e. take bt protein and introduce into plant"s genetic material and it produces the pesticide. Biochemical pesticides naturally occurring and control pests by non-toxic mechanisms. Conventional pesticides by contrast are synthetic materials that directly kill or inactivate the pest. Biochemical pesticides include insect sex pheromones (interfere with mating) Less toxic, generally affect only the target pest (and closely related ones), effective in small quantities, decompose fast, used in ipm which can decrease the use of conventional pesticides while crop yields remain high: microbial insect pesticides.