BIOL 1F25 Study Guide - Final Guide: Short-Chain Fatty Acid, Unsaturated Fat, Adipose Tissue

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Scientific method: when a question arises about the natural world, the scientific method provides the accepted, logical path to the answer. Inductive reasoning: creating a general statement from our observations. Deductive reasoning: moving from the general hypothesis to a specific situation. An if, then statement is an ideal situation for a scientific experiment. When designing and running the experiment, we must control all variables otherwise we cannot draw any valid conclusions. Variable: a factor that can be changed in an experiment to test whether and how it affects the outcome. Statistical significance: an experimental result that would occur by chance in less than 1 experiment in. Observation, experimentation and analysis are the basis for scientific reasoning. Theory: a general uniting principle of science upheld by observation and many experiments; not facts but rather extremely well supported explanations of the natural world that nobody has disproved.