PSYC 347 Study Guide - Final Guide: Intersectionality, Black Feminism

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14 Jun 2018
Unit 5 and 6
Unit 5
o describe third-wave feminisms, including their general tenets and focuses,
and determine the differences between these feminisms and their
precursors (e.g., radical and liberal feminisms);
o identify ways that third-wave feminist thought translates into new and
different perspectives/practices in psychology;
o reflect upon your own feminist beliefs and practices and determine how
these intersect with your social identity to determine your feminist
therapy practice approach; and
o situate yourself within the controversy about heated online feminist debate
in the wake of intersectional feminism and its critics, and be able to
describe your position on the topic and why you believe what you do
about this controversy.
describe third-wave feminisms, including their general tenets and focuses, and
determine the differences between these feminisms and their precursors (e.g., radical
and liberal feminisms);
These third-wave feminists reject the exclusive concerns of the white middle
class and the emphasis on women as victims. Some call themselves neo-
feminists because they think feminist implies hatred of men.
Third-wave feminists want to be more inclusive and global and to connect
gender issues with broader social concerns.
identify ways that third-wave feminist thought translates into new and different
perspectives/practices in psychology;
situate yourself within the controversy about heated online feminist debate in the
wake of intersectional feminism and its critics, and be able to describe your position
on the topic and why you believe what you do about this controversy.
Intersectionality - The view that women experience oppression in varying
configurations and in varying degrees of intensity. Cultural patterns of
oppression are not only interrelated, but are bound together and influenced by
the intersectional systems of society. Examples of this include race, gender,
class, ability, and ethnicity
USE INTERSECTIONALITY to stop the criticisms about intersectionality!!
Unit 6
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