HLST200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Tuberculosis, Retrovirus, Chlorophyll

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*10x 100 x smaller than bacteria and fungi. * effect one particular type of cell , cold virus effect upper respiratory tract. Invades another cell (plants of animal) 2 type. Cell dies: new virus enters other cell. If cell losses control of cell division becomes cancerous. Dormant: or leave genetic material in cell dormant, when disturbed start growing. Good can become bad and cause acne, uti, vag. *hepatitis virus liver infection, mild- life threatening. * influence virus change protein coat quickly, resistance to one strain does not mean resistance other. *papillomaviruses symtoms in women, none in men, maybe cervical cancer. * rhinovirus & adenovirus in mucous membrane, upper respiratory infect. *slow virus no indicate of presence, fatal within yrs. Bite of insect- parasite or insect (mosquito, ticks) Diff to find to find med that will kill the virus and not the cell. Harms by releasing toxins producing effect like toxic shock syndrome or diphtheria.