VISA2268 Final: Backup of surrealism

21 views7 pages
30 Jul 2018

Document Summary

The surrealist movement, developed from modernism, from the 1920"s onwards was a revolution to the human mind. The people behind this innovation were the surrealists. They removed all sense of logic and reality to seek expression of the subconscious. Surrealism was not focused on visual ideas or style. The automatic methods of surrealism allowed the movement to have a new perception of life; through society, politics and philosophy. Surrealism was aesthetically pleasing through its emphasis on experience, its ability to speak the language of dreams. Surrealists uttermost absurd ideas and way of life led society to question a number of things; their practice, their influence, and even their sanity. Surrealism as a group aimed to transform the entire human experience, including the political world. The surrealists brought with them a radical social disturbance; a revolution, and their art was a performance of rebellion against society and political obligation.