SSEH2270 Final: SSEH2270_ Review of ELM

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Developed to explain past inconsistencies in attitudes research. The elm is a theory about the processes underlying changes in attitudes, the variables that induce these processes, and the strength of the judgments resulting from these processes. Study was on uni campus with students as participants. Students given messages about comprehensive exams delivered to every student over existing own unit"s exams. Messages created around potential for these exams. 1 variable manipulated: each person only got 1 message. Some have strong argument in favor of these exams. Some delivered by professor, and some from non experts. Another variable relevance of condition (comprehensive exam proposed to come in in 10 years) = people use source as heuristic to determine how persuaded they were by message. Since low relevance, people in sample won"t sit exam (10 years) hence use heuristic (experts are correct) used that to see their persuasion. Despite differences in extremities/valence (blue and yellow line)