MGMT1135 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Employee Engagement

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6 Dec 2020

Document Summary

But this does not mean that everyone is equally. Allowing each employee to choose the compensation package that best satisfies his or her current needs and situation. Accommodating differences in employee needs based on age, marital status, spouse"s benefit status, number and age of dependants and the like. Replacing the one-benefit-plan-fits-all" programs designed for a male with a wife and two children at home dominated organisation for 50 more than 50 years. Organizations are increasingly recognizing that important work rewards can be both intrinsic and extrinsic. Rewards are intrinsic in the form of employee recognition programs and extrinsic in the form of compensation systems. Some studies suggest that financial incentives may. Be more motivating in the short term, but in the. Employee recognition programs range from a spontaneous and private. Thank you" to widely publicised formal programs in which specific types of behaviour are encouraged and the procedures for attaining recognition are clearly identified.