MGMT1135 Study Guide - Final Guide: Job Enrichment, Job Satisfaction, Collectivism

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5 Dec 2020

Document Summary

Evidence supports the jcm concept that the presence of a set of job characteristics does generate higher and more satisfying job performance. A few studies have tested the jcm in different cultures, but the results aren"t very consistent. A few studies have tested the job characteristics model in different cultures, but the results aren"t very consistent. One study suggested that when employees are other oriented (i. e. , concerned with the welfare of others at work), The relationship between intrinsic job characteristics and job satisfaction was weaker. The fact that the job characteristics model is relatively individualistic. (i. e. , considering the relationship between the employee and his or her work) Suggests job enrichment strategies may not have the same effects in collectivistic cultures as in individualistic cultures (such as the. The job characteristic model also suggests the ways that jobs can be redesigned to increase the motivation of the employees. (that is, to get a higher motivating potential score)