IMED1001 Study Guide - Final Guide: Secretion, Microvillus, Gallbladder

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29 Jun 2018
IMED1001 Tutorial Week 4
Important Points:
-Concept of epithelium as a boundary membrane: covering or lining. !
-Epithelium as a compact sheet of cells with junctions. !
-Correlate structural features of selected epithelial types with functions. !
-Correlate features of columnar epithelial cells with their functions. !
-How glands develop from epithelial layers. !
-Epithelium needs support of connective tissue. !
-cell membranes CANNOT be seen in H&E stains!
-Nuclear patterns present!
-Tells us:!
1. Shape!
2. Orientation!
3. Size!
4. Spacing!
Simple Squamous Epithelium:
-Single layer!
-Flat cells!
-Function: simple diusion!
-Where? LUNGS!!
-Microscopic spaces lined with epithelium!
-Surrounded by blood capillaries!
-Facilitates gas exchange!
-Between blood and tissue cells!
Simple Columnar Epithelium:
-Cells have tall columns!
-Versatile functions!
1. Absorption!
-Intestine !
2. Secretion!
-Gall bladder!
3. Micro-movement of fluids!
4. Specical secretions !
-Structural features!
-Similar to simple cuboidal in functions!
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