ANHB2212 Study Guide - Final Guide: Vaginal Process, Celiac Plexus, Rectus Abdominis Muscle

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Intra-Embryonic Coelom:
Coelom space that develops within the mesoderm
Intra-embryonic coelom develops within intra-embryonic mesoderm
during week 3
Divides lateral plate mesoderm into
o Somatopleure
o Visceropleure
Derivatives of the intra-embryonic coelom are spaces separating the body
walls (somatopleure) from viscera (visceropleure)
Derivatives of the intra-embryonic coelom
o Pericardial cavity
o Pleural cavity
o Peritoneal cavity
Development of Body Cavities:
Organs are surrounded by cavities do not lie in it
Organs develop adjacent to the coelom than invaginate into cavity
As they grow into the cavity they become coated by a layer of serous
o Visceral layer lines organ surface
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o Parietal layer lines body cavity
o Serous caity surrounds organ
Connecting layer between visceral and parietal layers mesenteries
Development of serous cavities
o Begin as a horse-shoe cavity in embryonic disc
o Arch passes in front of oral membrane and cranial end of neural
tube behind cardiogenic area and septum transversum
o As brain grows, embryo folds sagittally septum transversum
and developing heart lie ventrally
o Coelom horseshoe folded to become 3 sections
Pericardium heart in the middle
Left and right pleuroperitoneal cavities
o Week 4 pericardium is partitioned from rest of coelom
Septum transversum developed up near head so receives
its nerve supply (phrenic nerve) from cervical region
When folding occurs, phrenic nerves are dragged down
Phrenic nerves come to lie between the pericardium and
pleuroperitoneal canals help separate cavities
Development of pleural cavity
o Foregut (osephagus) runs behind developing heart
pleuroperitoneal canals on either side
o Foregut gives rise to lung buds that grow out laterally into
left/right pleuroperitoneal canals
o Diaphragm separates thorax from abdomen
o Pleuroperitoneal canals are partitioned by growth of diaphragm
Septum transversum (centrally)
Pleuralperitoneal membranes (posteriorly)
Ingrowth of body wall (laterally)
o Sometimes pleuroperitoneal membranes fail to complete the
formation of the diapgragm allows abdominal organs to
herniate into thorax
Development of peritoneal cavity
o Mesenteries contain blood vessels that attach to posterior body
o Initially peritoneal cavity is in left and right parts (canals)
Gut both dorsal and ventral mesenteries
Dorsal mesentery contains arteries from aorta
o Gut tube divided according to blood supply
Foregut coeliac artery
Midgut superior mesenteric artery
Hindgut inferior mesenteric artery
o Foregut
Characterized by structures developing in dorsal and
ventral mesenteries mesogastrium
Ventral mesogastrium
Ventral pancreas
Dorsal mesogastrium
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Dorsal pancreas
o Midgut and hindgut
Lose ventral mesentery
Left and right canals merge to form a single cavity
Midgut characterized by a rapid growth in length
Midgut hernia returns to abdominal cavity by
week 10
Rotation around axis of superior mesenteric artery
brings caecum and appendix to right
Hindgut characterized by partition of primitive cloaca
into rectum and bladder
Urogenital septum bladder in front, rectum
behind, genitals in between
The Abdominal Cavity:
o Houses and protects abdominal viscera
o Plays a role in breathing forced exhalation
o Control of intra-abdominal pressure
o Posture and core stabilization
Abdominal regions 9 zones 3x3
o Top row along costal margin T8/9 (xiphisternal joint)
Right and left hypochondrium
o Middle row L3/4 (umbilicus)
Right and left lumbar
o Lower along pelvis coccyx
Right and left iliac
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