300905 Study Guide - Final Guide: Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, Ulcerative Colitis, Complete Blood Count

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Although ulcerative colitis is a disease of unknown causation, inquiry should be made as to unusual factors believed to trigger the disease. The simple clinical colitis activity index was created in 1998 and is used to assess the severity of symptoms. The best test for diagnosis of ulcerative colitis remains endoscopy. Full colonoscopy to the cecum and entry into the terminal ileum is attempted only if the diagnosis of uc is unclear. Otherwise, a flexible sigmoidoscopy is sufficient to support the diagnosis. The physician may elect to limit the extent of the exam if severe colitis is encountered to minimize the risk of perforation of the colon. Endoscopic findings in ulcerative colitis include the following: loss of the vascular appearance of the colon, erythema (or redness of the mucosa) and friability of the mucosa, superficial ulceration, which may be confluent, and, pseudopolyps. Ulcerative colitis is usually continuous from the rectum, with the rectum almost universally being involved.