PSYC3017 Final: PSYC3017 Full Summary Exam Review

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25 Jul 2018

Document Summary

The aim of ostracism research is to understand how ostracism in the real world differs from the lab. Ostracism is to ignore and exclude on or more targes by one or more sources. Ostracism is quite different from rejection in that rejection is explicit, whereas in ostracism, the target is usually unsure of the reason. It is found in animals, across ages, cultures and institutions (educational, prisons, churches etc. ). The universality of this act could therefore be evolutionary in origin. Ostracism is used to maintain hierarchy within a group the loser is ostracised. Furthermore, the weak and the sick are often ostracised. Both of these can be seen as important in maintaining proper functioning of a group. Ostracism has been examined from various perspectives, but there has been very little psychological investigation into the nature, causes and consequences of ostracism. Previous research has been based on interpersonal conflict which includes more than just ostracism.