PSYC1001 Study Guide - Final Guide: Electrophysiology, Twin Study, Neurophysiology

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Document Summary

Psycho mind, mental || logy = a ground, an account, to reason. Psychology is the scientific study of the brain, mental processes, and behavior and the relations between them. In studying the brain, neuro-biological processes that generate mental processes and states are examined. The mind is examined by individual sensations, perceptions, memories, thoughts, dreams, incentives, emotions and all subjective experiences. Behaviour examines a wide variety of actions by humans and animals. These are not separate entities or boxes, but a network", constantly interacting. Psychology studies principles and general laws, rather than individual cases. Principles help us to understand problematic cases, still, individual cases like neurophysiology can help us understand the more general principles or initiate research to understand the general principles. Mental states: include experiments, observations or tests. Roles of genes and environments: twin studies, nature vs nurture. Ways to look at a brain in action: neuro-imaging, electrophysiological measurements.