PHSI2006 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Iodised Salt, Thyroid, Iodine Deficiency

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3/07/2016 1:20 pm: your thyroid gland is located towards the front of your neck. Structure/ origin: thyroid hormones have two ring structures. T3 is the most active form and has one less iodine. T3>t4> rt3: iodine comes from the sea e. g. seaweed. If you don"t get enough iodine it is a huge issue. The countries away from the sea have iodine deficiencies. These are needed to make thyroid hormones which are essential for normal formation of the cns- if kids aren"t given iodine, they will be intellectually impaired for the rest of your life. You cretin - someone who is intel impaired due to lack of iodine during development: the main source of iodine in the diet is iodised salt. If breadmakers are using salt they have to use iodised salt. Chemical- don"t need to know the details but know main points: when you eat iodine it is converted to iodide.