PSYC1020 Study Guide - Habituation, Iconic Memory, Classical Conditioning

217 views34 pages
30 Jul 2015

Document Summary

Part a: what is comprised the cns, brain and spinal chord o. Signal from sensory receptors on skin to sensory neuron. Electrical conduction via axon to spinal chord. Chemical signal via synapse from sensory neuron to interneuron to dendrite of motor neuron. Chemical signal via synapse to muscle causing contraction. Electrical potential of inside and outside of cell. What are the two types of gated ion channels. Epsp (excitatory post synaptic potentials) and ipsp (inhibitory post synaptic potentials) which are both graded potentials. Adds them up at axon hillock and this determines ap generated or not. Distance of excitatory or inhibitory synapse from axon hillock. What is the role of the interneuron. Move closer to the axon hillock=greater influence. Measures signal neuron firing pattern under a range of conditions. When an action is observed but also executed. Measures summed brain activity of neurons in brain. Clinical use: detecting stages of sleep, monitoring seizures.