PSYC2071 Study Guide - Final Guide: Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, Psychophysics, Wilhelm Wundt

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4 Aug 2018

Document Summary

Ebbinghaus: psych has long + short history (discipline only est. in lab in 1879 by wundt: late 19th century: Contrast b/t philosophy + theology: natural sciences: physics & chem: Laws of motion of material bodies were formulated. Instrumentation + measurement + experimentation appeared to be able to resolve any complex physical sys. Very diff way of thinking about world compared to theology i. e. which is the way you chose to view the world: study of body: physiology (19th c) To know about sensors in body & transmit this energy to brain. Lead to study of mind: psychophysics i. e. how physical measurements of energy (visual / auditory) correlate w/ measurement of experienced sensations. B/c mental could be measured + subjected to mathematical treatment (weber law) Could psych be a quantitative science????: study of life: biology. Central q: origin of species: act of creation (god / religion, present species descended from previous species evolution.