MGMT1001 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Satisficing, Groupthink, Peer Pressure

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Nine common decision-making biases
Escalation of commitment
Motorola --> dominant in industry --> skipped digital age --> market share
dropped as the weren't keeping up with customer need
Separate choosers from evaluators
Several people in evaluation
Establish point to abandon
Availability bias
Representative bias
Confirmation bias
Sunk cost bias
Anchoring and adjustment bias
Overconfidence bias
Hindsight bias
Framing bias
Four ineffective reasons to decision-making
Relaxed avoidance: taking no action in the belief that there will be no great
negative consequences
Relaxed change: realising that complete inaction will have negative
consequences but opting for the first available alternative.
Defensive avoidance: can't find a good solution and followed by (a)
procrastinating, (b) passing the buck or © denying the risk
Panic: so frantic to get rid of the problem that one can't deal with the
situation realistically
Three effective reactions to decision-making
Importance: How high priority is the situation?
Credibility: How believable is the information about the situation?
Urgency: How quickly must I act on the information about the situation?
8 step model
Identification of the problem --> Identification of criteria --> Allocation of weights to
the criteria --> Development of alternatives --> Analysis of alternatives --> Selection
of alternatives --> Implementation of alternatives --> Evaluation of decision
Disadvantages of group decision making
They are less efficient1.
Goal displacement3.
Dominant or intimidating members4.
Group polarisation6.
Symptoms of groupthink
Sense of invulnerability1.
Illusion of unanimity and peer pressure3.
The wisdom of crowds4.
Tools to improve group problem-solving
Work as an individual, then as a team1.
Those with status speak last, or not be present2.
How to overcome barriers to decision-making
Friday, 9 March 2018
10:53 am
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