JSB170 Study Guide - Final Guide: The Techniques, Anomie, Ritualism In The Church Of England

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Anomie durkheim believed that human happiness was dependent on having the social means to obtain social goals. Suicide he believed that where social goals could not be met and the means was not available, suicide rates would increase. Believed crime is normal and will always occur on many levels: Wherever social goals cannot be met through social means, strain" occurs and promotes the likelihood and need for deviance. 5 adaptations to strain: conformity: achieve social goals by legitimate means. Delinquency the result of collapse of institutional and community based controls. Poor institutional and community based controls is the result of rapid urbanisation, industrialisation and immigration processes. The effectiveness of social organisation can be compared to ecological principles which work on concepts of dominance and competition. Social disorganisation will lead to criminal values replacing more commonly held social values and these become self- perpetuating. It can be learned through the interaction and communication with other people.