JSB170 Study Guide - Final Guide: Duncan White, Impression Formation, Fundamental Attribution Error

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First person to study social psychology social facilitation experiment. Most influential study on effect of authority on obedience. Challenged the conformity bias and proposed three ways of dealing with conflict. Argues that minorities need to be able to negotiate. Argues that people are distressed to find their views do not align with the majority. Stanford prisoner experiment and found that group roles have significant effect on the person. Claims that people compete for group roles and identifies specific and diffuse attributes when being assigned a group role. Developed the drive theory positive or negative social facilitation depending on difficulty of task. Developed evaluation- apprehension theory where attentive audience inhibits performance because of fear of evaluation. Developed distraction- conflict theory in which it is not fear of evaluation but distraction which inhibits performance. Studied social loafing and found two explanations . Ringelmann coordination loss in groups and motivational loss with increased group size.