JSB170 Study Guide - Final Guide: Crime Mapping

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The role of the law is distribute the greatest amount of happiness/good to the greatest number of people utilitarianism. Life would be difficult and unpleasant if we all behaved selfishly. Rule of law no person is free from governance by the law. In order for punishment to not be a pure act of violence it must be: Looking at crime from a social and historical context. These people think crime does not occur naturally. Rather, crime only exists because society has created laws thus creating crime. This approach also considers those who are in power. Many argue that the law only serves people at the top". They believe criminals are not criminals because of what they have done, but because of the social process of criminalisation in which society illegalises the acts. Allows us to understand the nature and extent of crime in society. Evaluates the policies which aim to minimise crime.