PSY1022 Final: Treating disorders

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Therapy that seeks to help clients gain insight by recognising and understanding unconscious thoughts and emotions. Help clients understand that most psychological problems are learned behaviours that can be changed by taking action to learn new ones. Destruction of small regions of brain tissue to treat psychological disorders. Today only performed in rare cases in which all else has failed. Brief electrical shock administered to the brain. Usually to reduce depression that is unresponsive to medication. To make ect safer, the following measures are now taken: patients are administered an anaesthetic, muscle relaxants to prevent bone fractures, only 6-12 shock received, 2 days apart. Neuroleptic drugs: medications that alleviate the symptoms of severe disorders such as schizophrenia: antipsychotics, reduce the intensity of psychotic symptoms, e. g. clorazil, thorazine, side effects: dry mouth, dizziness, muscle rigidity, tardive dyskinesia. Antidepressant drugs: medications that relieve depression: most popular medications are those that affect serotonin, e. g. fluoxetine.