MKC1200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Internal Communications, Westpac, Marketing Week

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An organisation has 3 types of environment: internal: Elements that specifically relate to the organisation and are directly controllable: the organisation, processes, people (structure, management style, etc. ) (activities, products offered, outsourcing, etc. ) (employees) Internal marketing = a collection of activities, processes and policies that treat employees as an internal market who need to be informed, educated, developed and motivated in order to serve clients more effectively. Manage internal communication (staff newsletters, social club, etc. ) Use market research to understand employee needs and wants. Factors close to the organisation that affect its ability to serve its customers. No one buyer or seller can exercise market power. Closest eg- markets for agricultural goods such as sugar or wheat. Computer companies all offer products but differentiated laptops that differ in colour, products. memory, weight, screen quality, etc. Many government services such as the provision of roads and railways. De beers had total control over the diamond trade.