MGC2230 Study Guide - Final Guide: Team Dynamics, Team Building, Role Conflict

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Team = two or more individuals who interact to work towards a common goal. Team performance can be determined in different ways. It can influence the relationship between group members. The sum of all individual members" performance. The worst member"s performance: additive, disjunctive, conjunctive. It depends on how the team"s performance is measured. Additive bigger is better ( number of performances to be totalled) Disjunctive bigger is better ( chance that someone will be very good at the task) Conjunctive smaller is better ( chance that someone will be very bad at the task) Bigger is better up to a certain point. Better at complex tasks that require tasks creativity. Access to more diverse information and expertise. Team members can learn new info and skills through interaction with others. The diverse info and skills can help create novel solutions in a complex situation. People don"t like the way other members do things.