PSYC10003 Study Guide - Bulbous Corpuscle, Hair Cell, Noxious Stimulus

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Structure of synapse (refer to powerpoint) An action potential in the presynaptic cell triggers vesicles to move toward the cell membrane. Vesicles are guided toward membrane by proteins. Guilding proteins act like ropes that help to pull the vesicle and presynaptic membrane together. An influx of calcium ions into the presynaptic terminal buttons induces fusion of the two membranes (vesicle and membrane) Neurotransmitter molecule are then released into the synaptic cleft. Neurotransmitter molecules diffuse across the fluid filled space. These channels permit the flow of specific ions into and out of the postsynaptic neuron. Postsynaptic potentials can be either excitatory (increased likelihood of depolarization) of inhibitory (increased likelihood of hyperpolarization) Three types of neurotransmitter: sodium excitatory, potassium- inhibitory, chloride- inhibitory. There may be multiple synapses releasing neurotransmitters to the neuron. Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials hyperpolarize the postsynaptic cell membrane and decrease the likelihood that an action potential will be triggered.