NEUR30004 Study Guide - Final Guide: Copyright Law Of Australia, Skipping Rope, Retina

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Smcf builds on the first semester subject principles of neuroscience (pons), and extends your study of various sensory systems, motor control, and other complex processes such as perception, language, learning, etc. At times, you may need to review what was covered in semester 1. The lectures in smcf will often expect that you have a good general know- ledge of basic neuroanatomy and the relevant terminology. This material has been provided to you pursuant to section 49 of the copyright act 1968 (the act) for the purposes of research or study. The contents of the material may be subject to copyright protection under the act. Further dealings by you with this material may be a copyright infringement. To determine whether such a communication would be an infringement, it is necessary to have regard to the criteria set out in part 3, division 3 of the act. It takes special testing to reveal the different processing styles of the two hemispheres.