ANAT30007 Study Guide - Coccyx, Metatarsal Bones, Anatomical Terms Of Location

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Intermembral index (humerus length + radius length) / (femur length + tibia length: gives the relative proportion of the upper limb relative to lower limb, tells us if locomotor pattern is dominated by upper or lower limb, lower limb dominated = low intermembral index (eg. lemur, quadrupeds = im index around 100, equal use of upper and lower limb, brachiators, im index above a hundred, human im index is about 70 (lower limb dominance) Glenoid cavity: ventrally oriented in monkeys, laterally oriented in apes and humans, concave, narrow and elongated in monkeys, only sagittal movement (parasagittal plane) of permitted, wide, round, flat in humans/apes, less congruence between articularing surfaces, greater freedom of movement humerus. Supraglenoid tubercle: long head of biceps attaches here, prominent projection in monkeys, projection absent in apes/humans, limits hyperflexion of arm (moving too far in para saggital plane, allows us above arm flexion, allows more flexion by biceps.