BIOL3711 Study Guide - Final Guide: Germination, Divergent Evolution, Seed Dormancy

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Algae General
ALGAE – A large and diverse group of simple plant-like organisms, ranging
from unicellular to multicellular forms
Alga – singular
Algae – plural
Algae does not have flowers
SOME algae
oFlagella – for movement to surface for sun and vice versa
Algae types
oSingle cell with flagella
oColonial (forming a colony decreases the chances of being eaten)
Algal diversity
Thousands of species
oPhotosynthetic system
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oEukaryotic cells (except blue-green algae)
oNo root, stem, leaf, flowers
Importance of algae
Basal element of the food chain
oAlgae form the base of the food chain in marine and freshwater
Algae  zooplankton  fish  human
oLight provides the energy that drives this chemical reaction
Carbohydrate and oxygen are the main products of
Human food
oKelps (large brown algae) and Poryphya (nori) serves as vegetables
and dishes for humans, particular in Asian countries
Industrial materials
In food, textile and paper
Capsules for drugs
Culture medium for bacteria
Gel for biochemical study
Vitamins, antibiotics, anticancer materials
oEnvironmental control
Reduce nutrient loading, detoxification for heavy metals
Growing algae
Culture in test tubes
Plastic bags
Morphological Diversity
Size: microns to 50m (seaweeds)
Flagellated solitary cells
oFlagellum (flagella pl)
oVary in number and position
Flagellated colony cells
oArranged in a flat PLATE or SPHERE
Non flagellated cells/colonies
oCan be solitary or colony
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oCells are arranged end-to-end with a common cross wall shared by
adjacent cells
oFilaments may be BRANCHED or UNBRANCHED
Parenchymatous thalli
oCell organization is in 3 dimensions to:
Produce a solid mass rather than a linear arrangement of a
Distribution and habitat
Live in ALL aquatic ecosystems
oFreshwater, brackish, marine
Some can live in terrestrial environments with moisture
oSoil, bark, snow
Ubiquitous (found everywhere) distribution
oSome species can be found in various places
Migrating birds
Free-floating in the water without swimming ability
oWater blooms
Planktonic algae can increase enormously in number and form
an obvious colour
oGrows on submerges substrates
Ep ilithic = stone
Ep pelic = mud or sand
Epi phytic = plants
Epi zoic = animals
oLiving in a terrestrial environment with relatively moist habitats
1. Kingdom: MONERA
a. Monera = prokaryotes
a.i. Prokaryotes = lacking a membrane
b. Phylum: Cyanophyta
c. Common names
c.i. Blue-green algae OR cyanobacteria
2. Kingdom: PROTISTA
a. Protista = eukaryotes
a.i. Eukaryotes = with a membrane-enclosed nucleus and
Phyla Common Name
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Document Summary

Algae a large and diverse group of simple plant-like organisms, ranging from unicellular to multicellular forms. Some algae: flagella for movement to surface for sun and vice versa. Algae types: single cell with flagella, filamentous, colonial (forming a colony decreases the chances of being eaten) o. Characteristics: photosynthetic system, chlorophyll, eukaryotic cells (except blue-green algae, no root, stem, leaf, flowers. Basal element of the food chain: algae form the base of the food chain in marine and freshwater environments. Algae (cid:0) zooplankton (cid:0) fish (cid:0) human: light provides the energy that drives this chemical reaction. Carbohydrate and oxygen are the main products of. Human food photosynthesis: kelps (large brown algae) and poryphya (nori) serves as vegetables and dishes for humans, particular in asian countries. Vitamins, antibiotics, anticancer materials: environmental control. Reduce nutrient loading, detoxification for heavy metals: biofuels. Flagellated solitary cells: flagellum (flagella pl, vary in number and position. Flagellated colony cells: arranged in a flat plate or sphere.