MLL327 Study Guide - Final Guide: Leasehold Estate, Fee Simple, Specific Performance

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Property Law Topic 7
appreciate the contractual foundation of the lease
A lease over land is an agreement between landlord and tenant to confer exclusive possession, upon
terms, for a specified period of time
Parties to agreement: Lessor/landlord and lessee/tenant
Tenancy/lease agreement
A lease is non-freehold in nature because leases endures for a determinate and specified period of
an interest in land
a form of real property
A lease creates an estate in land which confers exclusive possession upon the holder for a specific
period of time
Upon creation of a lease, a leasehold estate is vested in tenant, whilst the landlord retains
reversionary interest for duration of lease (leasehold reversion)
To be valid it must be enforceable in law or equity, and it must confer exclusive possession for a
period of time which is certain in duration
Upon expiry of lease: fee simple estate reverts back to landlord
Contractual agreement
Remedy limited to a claim for damages (trespass or breach of contract)
Old real actions unavailable
Classified under common law as personal property
Distinction between real property and leasehold
Served an economic function: treated as monetary rather than land based transaction
Writ of ejectment was used in 15th century to recover possession
Conferred status akin to real property
To late to classify as real property
Chattels real and personally and realty
As a contract, a lease is governed by principles of contract
Upon breach of contract, damages or decree of specific performance
As an interest in land, it confers exclusive possession for a defined period, creating an in rem right
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appreciate the proprietary character of the lease
Proprietary character of leasehold
Enforceability of a lease contract
Availability of a range of different remedies:
Decree of specific performance in equity
A right to enforce the writ of ejectment and allow the tenant to recover possession
Popularity as a commercial and domestic device
Harwood: adjunct to a freehold and a monetary and contractual transaction (rather than land
Difference between leasehold and freehold:
Holder of the freehold retains seisin of the land, but the holder of the leasehold has
exclusive possession, entitling them to exclude the landlord
The leasehold estate owners cannot fragment their estate into a life estate, nor can they
grant a future interest
A lease constituting a property interest may be assigned or sub-leased
The essential elements of any lease are:
exclusive possession;
for a certain period of time
If exclusive possession is not granted, only permission to enter and occupy, it will be a licence
Term is sometimes difficult to determine
Usually leases are granted for a nominated rental payment but this is not essential element
A variety of different forms of leases may arise, each based upon the period of time for which the
lease is express to endure
Period may be expressly set out or inferred from the circumstances
Fixed term lease
Exists for a specifically defined period of time specifically agreed upon between the
Period of lease is expressly created
A fixed term lease may be for any period of time mutually agreed upon, provided
period of time is certain
Three certainties: commencement, duration and end
It expires automatically at end of period without need for notice by either party
Any ambiguity concerning the duration would prevent it from being classified as
fixed term lease
If ended prior to fixed term it does not prevent it from constituting a fixed term
lease, provided the term is ascertainable from the outset
Periodic tenancy
Lease that continues indefinitely from one period to another until determined by
proper notice
Endures for any recurring period dependent on rent payment
Exists for the period of time that rental is paid and tenant is entitled to stay on land
Succession of periods weekly, monthly, yearly
Payment of rent in advance for period
Can be ended by notice equivalent to rental period
Expressly: fixed term period allowing further period
Presumption of yearly tenancy where holding over after fixed term of 1 year or
more: Moore v Dimond (1929)
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Modified by statute: unspecified lease is transformed into a tenancy at will
determinable by one months notice in writing: s 127(1) CA NSW
Tenancy at will
Enters into possession pursuant to a lawful right with consent of the owner and
remains in possession until terminated
Where a prospective purchaser is allowed to enter into occupation of property
pending finalisation of sale
Where a prospective tenant is allowed to enter possession while the lease
agreement is being negotiated
Can be granted expressly or implicitly
Tenant enjoys exclusive possession with consent of landlord without payment of
rent on a regular periodic basis for an indefinite period
Either party may terminate at any time without prior notice
Landlord can seek compensation for use of land
Simple mechanism to protect a tenant right to real actions
Tenancy at sufferance
Tenant enters possession lawfully then stays on after expiration of leasehold estate
without ladlods express consent and without paying rent
Implied tenancy
Only difference from trespasser is tenant entered lawfully
If a landlord expressly objects a tenancy at sufferance can not arise
No obligation for tenant to pay rent because of the status of tenancy at sufferance
as an implied arrangement with no formal agreement
Landlord can recover possession at any time and seek compensation for use of land
A real tenancy? Or a convenient label?
Simply a possessory title
If consent is given by landlord, it will turn into tenancy at will
If consent is given, rent paid in advance and accepted by landlord, it will be a
periodic tenancy
No consent given and continues for limitation period will be adverse possession,
landlord will lose right of action
Equitable leases:
The Walsh  Losdale euitale lease
Tenancy by estoppel
Lease in terms of the doctrine of part performance
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