MIRA2002 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ulna, Thumb Position, Metacarpal Bones

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Hand pa kvp = 50 mas = 2. 5 sid 100. Area covered: entire hand, carpals and 2. 5cm of the distal radius and ulna. Collimation: outer skin margins of hand on four sides and including 2. 5cm of the distal forearm. Include the distal phalanges, distal forearm and include the soft tissue of the first and fifth fingers. Positioning: the hand is in the lateral position, shown by. The ulna is slightly posterior to the radius (note: the wrist is not necessarily lateral when the hand is. In a lateral wrist the radius and ulna are superimposed: the interphalangeal joints are open, phalanges are not foreshortened. "fan lateral: 2nd through to 5th digits are separated with little superimposition of bony and soft tissue structures, 2nd through to 5th metacarpals are superimposed, thumb has no superimposition, thumb position varies from pa to slightly oblique. "true lateral: 2nd through to 5th digits fully extended and superimposed, thumb pa.