MIRA2002 Study Guide - Final Guide: Beam Divergence, Talar, Navicular Bone

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Foot dorsiflexed to 90, toes pointing towards the ceiling. Posterior surface of ankle in contact with ir. Foot dorsiflexed to 90 (if cant then angle cranially) 15-20 degrees, making the malleoli parallel with the ir. The 5th toe directly inline with the centre of the calcaneus. If person cannot dorsiflex to 90 then angle cranially. Distal third of tibia and fibula, to proximal bases of metatarsals, lateral include the skin margins. Tibiotalar joint space must be in middle of. Distal third of tib and fib to base of metatarsals and laterally to skin margins of both malleoli kvp 55 (50- mas 3. 2/5 (3-5) Sid - 100 kvp 55 (50- mas 3. 2 (3- Posterior aspect of heel in contact with ir. Distal third of tib and fib, talus and medial and lateral malleoli kvp 55 (50- mas 3. 2 (3- To ensure correct centering, rotate leg internally until central line of collimation field is in line w/ 5th metatarsal.