HUMB2008 Study Guide - Final Guide: Perineum, Coccyx, Deep Inguinal Ring

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Ovaries are located on either side of the uterus. Lie in a depression on the lateral walls of the pelvis. Each ovary is suspended in the peritoneal cavity by. Suspensory ligaments of the uterus formed by the peritoneum. Helps to keep the body of the uterus flexed anteriorly. Keep the uterus in an anteverted position. Extend laterally and pass through the inguinal canal over the bladder. Blood vessels, nerves and lymphatic accompany each ligament as it enters the inguinal canal. Extends from the lateral walls of the cervix to the anterior surface of the sacrum. Extend like a fan from the lateral walls of the cervix and vagina and anchor into the fascia of the wall of the lesser pelvis. Help suspend the uterus above the bladder + help prevent downward. Go upwards and posterior more inferior more superior. Abdominal aorta descends into the pelvis anterior to the lumbar vertebrae slightly to the left of midline.