NEUR3101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Receptor Activated Solely By A Synthetic Ligand, Protein Kinase, Signal Transduction

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12 Jan 2020

Document Summary

Be familiar with the different signalling cascades involving the kinases, phosphatases and second messengers. Understand the process of transcription, translation and regulation. Appreciate the physiological roles of these systems in brain function. Twice the expression of the crf receptor (gs coupled) Arrestins -> control and investigate cell signalling with chemogenic receptors. Advantages of having long chain of command = signal amplification. Activation of 1 gpcr -> activation of many ion channels. Modulates the level of transcription in genes -> determine functional state of cell. Transfer phosphate groups (pi) from atp to or from serine, threonine or tyrosine residues on substrate proteins. Substrate proteins kinases and phosphatases -> enzymes, nt receptors, ion channels and structural proteins. Kinases and phosphatases are regulated by variety of intracellular messengers. Tetrameric -> 2 catalytic units and 2 inhibitory/regulatory units camp binds -> catalytic domains able to phosphorylate target. Repeated activation -> long term sensitisation camp -> pka -> glu release.