
Please!! Answer those questions

*Please refer to the attachment for the complete details*

Record your average time from table 2 for each below.
a. 0m to 1m ________
b. 0m to 2m ________
c. 0m to 3m ________
d. 0m to 4m ________
e. 0m to 5m ________
Calculate the instantaneous speed at the following distances
f.  1m ________ (1/a)
g. 2m ________ (2/b)
h. 3m ________ (3/c)
i.  4m ________ (4/d)
j.  5m ________ (5/e)
Calculate the time between each of the following distances
k.  1m to 2m ________ (b-a)
l.   2m to 3m ________ (c-b)
m. 3m to 4m ________ (d-c)
n.  4m to 5m ________ (e-d)
Calculate the acceleration for the following distances
o. 1m to 3m ________ (h-f/k+l)
p. 2m to 4m ________ (i-g/l+m)
q. 3m to 5m ________ (j-h/m+n)

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